The Lecture Series on Maritime South Asia
The Idea of South Asia: A Region in Flux
Panel Discussion organized by ISAS in collaboration with Council for Strategic and Defense Research (CSDR).
First South Asian Festival of Arts and Literature (SAFAL)
Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS), in collaboration with the Valley of Words (VoW), is jointly organising the first South Asian Festival of Arts and Literature (SAFAL), ‘Connecting South Asia With Candid Conversations’, on 24 and 25th of October. Several prominent authors, former ambassadors, media personalities and social influencers are participating in this festival.
Buddhism and Innovation in Bhutan: Relevance for South Asia
Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS)will be holding the lecture under the Special Lecture Series on ‘Buddhism and Innovation in Bhutan: Relevance for South Asia’ by Dr. C.T. Dorji, Emeritus Professor and Writer from Bhutan, on Friday, October 18, 2024, from 4.30 pm onwards at Room No.LS 001, South Asian University.
Governing Regional Commons in South Asia: Prospects for Cooperation and Inclusion
Gendered Spaces: A Dialogue with Women in Diplomacy and Media
The one day dialogue is being organised in collaboration with FES. The FES is a German non-profit organization committed to the ideals of social democracy. Gender is one of its key work areas, which it mainstreams in other work lines.
Taking space as a question, this dialogue draws attention to the ways in which women in Media and Diplomacy situate, formulate, navigate, encounters with ‘difference’ the idea of space. The idea of both dialogue and difference is integral to this conversation, given the location of this in India. In consonant with critical feminist scholarship, we explore the politics of ‘stories -so- far’. We call attention to the implicit hierarchies in the ordering of spaces- both in Media and Diplomacy, the norms, the exclusions as women navigate both from the margins, and the front. We lay emphasis on the politics of situated knowledge, given the differing contextual realities in South Asia, the differing feminist histories and of course the coloniality in the politics of knowledge production itself.
Annual Distinguished Lecture
Professor Zia Ul-Qayyum, Executive Director of the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan & Chairman of the Governing Board SAU, has kindly agreed to chair the lecture.
Special Lecture Series – Sustainable Futures for South Asia
Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS) is holding its first lecture under the Special Lecture Series on ‘Sustainable Futures for South Asia’ by Prof. Sanjay Kathuria, Senior Fellow, Centre for Social and Economic Progress, on Friday, August 9, 2024, from 4.00 pm onwards at Room No. ES 103, South Asian University.