Professor C Raja Mohan
Professor C Raja Mohan is a Visiting Research Professor at the Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS). He was the founding director of Carnegie India in Delhi, the sixth international centre of the Carnegie Endowment for Peace.

Professor Ameena Mohsin
Amena Mohsin is the Adjunct Professor at North South University, Dhaka. She is a former Professor in the Department of International Relations at the University of Dhaka.

Dr Karma Phuntsho
Dr. Karma Phuntsho is one of Bhutan’s leading intellectuals. He finished his monastic training in Bhutan and India before pursuing an M.St in Classical Indian Religions and a D.Phil in Oriental Studies at Balliol College, Oxford.

Dr Meenakshi Gopinath
Professor Meenakshi Gopinath is the Founder and Director of WISCOMP (Women in Security, Conflict Management and Peace), an initiative that seeks to promote the leadership of South Asian women in the areas of peace, security and regional cooperation.

Professor Mohamed Zaid
Mohamed Zaid is a qualified foreign-going Master mariner with long maritime experience at management levels on global trading vessels with multinational crews.

Dr Nishchal N Pandey
Dr Nishchal N. Pandey is Director of the Centre for South Asian Studies, Kathmandu, Convener of the Consortium of South Asian Think-Tanks and a well-known Nepali academic.

Dr Vaqar Ahmed
Dr. Vaqar Ahmed is an award-winning economist, former civil servant, and policy expert with a distinguished career spanning both the public and private sectors.

Professor Nayani Melegoda
Senior Professor Nayani Melegoda is the former Executive Director of the Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (RCSS), Colombo, where she is currently senior advisor on RCSS Projects.

Professor Deepa Sinha
Professor Deepa Sinha is the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics & Computer Science at the South Asian University

Professor Pranab Kumar Muhuri
Professor Muhuri is a Vice President at South Asian University and a faculty member of the Department of Computer Science.

Professor Sunil Kumar
Professor Sunil Kumar is a faculty member of the Faculty of Economics.